Tuesday, July 8, 2008

creative contents...

I don't know about any of you, but I don't generally get super-excited about tables of contents (anyone actually know what the plural of that is?). This post completely changed my mind about the possibility for creativity in something as mundane as a table of contents.

It's certainly true that the simple and expected form of a table of contents doesn't usually spark a huge outpour of creativity in most of us, and maybe that's a good thing--an over-designed table of contents might completely take away from the entire purpose of the thing: legibility and ease of use. But that shouldn't deter us from doing something usable and interesting--after all, the table of contents is one of the first pages we flip to in a new book. Why not do something that'll generate even more interest in the book, right off the bat?

[image source: http://flickr.com/photos/hypowren/412742697/]

1 comment:

Adams said...

I have now spent a complete hour looking at all the contents pages. Thank you. Great spotting for Information design and just beautiful design.